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Living in Light of Two Ages



On "Churchless Evangelicals"

Over at the Heidelblog, Dr. Scott Clark has completed posting his three-part series on "Churchless Evangelicals."  I really encourage you to read this.

Scott deals with the thorny subject of the necessity of church membership, and with the marks of a true church.  If you profess faith in Christ, then you need to be a member of a local church where Christ's word is preached, his sacraments are administered, and where church discipline is actually practiced.

It is one thing to be in transition--looking for a place to land after becoming Reformed.  It is another to act like church membership is unimportant, or that any ole church will do.

Click here: On Churchless Evangelicals (pt 1) « Heidelblog

Click here: On Churchless Evangelicals (pt 2) « Heidelblog

Click here: On Churchless Evangelicals (Pt 3) « Heidelblog



Who Said That?

"But here's first what I see for Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN).  You're going to have people raised from the dead watching this network.  You're going to have people raised from the dead watching TBN.  Programs -- just plain programs -- programs that haven't done much when it comes to supernatural manifestations -- teaching programs!"

This one is offered in the spirit of "end of the year" predictions.  Leave your guess in the comments section.  Answer to come next week.  To see past editions of "who said that?" click on the "who said that?" icon.


"Was Made Manifest" -- 1 John 1:1-4

Here's the audio from today's sermon, the first in a series on the Epistles of John.

The picture is of the traditional site of John's burial in Ephesus.



You Are Invited to Join Us Tonight for Our Christmas Eve Service

You are invited to join us at Christ Reformed Church on Christmas Eve for our annual Service of Lessons and Carols (7:00 p.m.).

For more information, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - The Latest News


Merry Christmas from the White Horse Inn!

 h. t. Mark VanderPol


Just When I Think I've Seen It All . . .

Let me get this straight . . .   A pastor is worried about the secularization of Christmas.

To protest this secularization, the pastor instructs church members to dress up like Jesus . . .

In other words, we should mock our Lord's humiliation in order to protest the "secularization" of Christmas?

What am I missing????

Click here: - Church Members Dress Like Jesus to Protest Secularization of Christmas - Local News | News Articles


Men, Stay Out of the Dog House This Christmas!

h. t. Ron Suarez

Yes, its a bit of crass consumerism (a plug for a department store's Jewelry line), but it is funny.  And besides, I've been in the dog house a few times myself.


Its a Festivus Miracle!

The New York Yankees just gave their fans a Festivus Miracle.  I've followed the Yanks for a long time but this one caught me by complete surprise. Mark Teixeira is now a Yankee! 

Nothing better than a slick-fielding, switch-hitting, good-hitting, first baseman for your team . . .

Best of all, this means someone else gets stuck with Manny Ramirez.


Who Said That?

"I was raised in a Baptist household, I went to a Catholic school, but the ideas of the Bible are 98 percent the same ideas of Scientology, 98 percent the same ideas of Hinduism and Buddhism."

You know the drill.  Please leave your guess in the comments section below. The answer will be posted in one week.  To see past editions of "Who Said That?" click on the "Who Said That?" icon below.


Merry Christmas from the Riddleblog!

The Riddlebargers wish each of you a very blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.

That's our clan (Mark's wearing the hat and shades, my wife Micki, and my oldest son, David) standing in front of Half Dome in Yosemite during our annual August church trip to the Eastern Sierras.

Dave's beginning his final year of college (Lord willing)--he's an engineering major @ Cal-State Long Beach, and currently works in the high performance automotive field (Probe Industries).

Mark's a freshman at Cal-State Fullerton--his major is business/economics. 

Andy's not pictured.  Although he's getting a bit long in the tooth, he remains the "wonder dog."