Living in Light of Two Ages
Entries from February 1, 2011 - February 28, 2011
A New Book on Church Planting -- "Planting, Watering, Growing: Planting Confessionally Reformed Churches in the 21st Century"

The long-anticipated volume on church planting edited by Daniel R. Hyde and Shane Lems will be out soon!
I wrote the chapter entitled "Planning the Plant."
Here's the publisher's advertisement and Ordering Information.
As a response to the unique challenges facing the twenty-first-century American church, church planting has become a popular topic. But at a time when churches that spread the seed of the Word through preaching, the sacraments, and prayer are greatly needed, much of the focus has been on planting churches that adapt pop culture to meet “consumer demand.” In Planting, Watering, Feeding, the authors of this collection of essays weave together theological wisdom, personal experiences, and practical suggestions, guiding readers through the foundations and methods of planting confessional churches that uphold the Word of God.
The Reformed churches confess a missional faith. We confess that God the Son came voluntarily and was sent (missio) by the Father to be the Redeemer and that He has, in turn, sent His church to proclaim the good news, to plant churches, to administer the sacraments and discipline. Few books on church planting and mission combine a passion for the glory of Christ, a heartfelt concern for the lost, and a commitment to the means of grace. This volume does just that and therefore is essential reading for those seeking to serve Christ’s mission Christ’s way. - R. Scott Clark, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary California
When so many seek to plant and grow churches with slick marketing, demographics studies, and decaf cappuccinos, Hyde and Lems bring a robust, Christ-centered, and confessionally Reformed approach to church planting. Scripturally informed, confessionally sound, and practically minded, this book offers sage counsel for anyone interested in home missions and church planting. - J. V. Fesko, Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Seminary California
The twenty-first-century Western world is seen by many as having moved into a post-Christian era. The church is divided and declining and increasingly is becoming a despised and persecuted minority. However true that may be, there is another sense in which there has never been a century that is more like the first century than this one. In the days of the book of Acts, the culture was pluralistic and the church was all the things that it is today; yet never was there a time of greater gospel growth and of the church being more widely established within a single generation. That was a century of opportunity, and ours is too. The contributors to this volume on church planting in the twenty-first century see today’s world very much in the light of the world in which the apostles labored. Each one of them, directly or indirectly, has been involved in seeing new churches planted, and together they provide the church with a resource that makes us look with optimism and confidence at the opportunities we have to see Christ continue to build His church. They challenge the church of our day to lift its eyes and see a harvest that is there to be reaped. - Mark G. Johnston, Senior Pastor of Proclamation Presbyterian Church (PCA), Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Table of Contents:
Foreword: Was the Reformation Missions-Minded?—Michael S. Horton
Introduction—Daniel R. Hyde and Shane Lems
Part 1: The Foundation of Planting Churches
1 The Fruitful Grain of Wheat—Brian Vos
2 The Sovereign Spirit of Missions: Thoughts on Acts 16:6–10 and Church Planting—Daniel R. Hyde
3 The Reformed Confessions and Missions—Wes Bredenhof
4 No Church, No Problem?—Michael S. Horton
Part 2: The Methods of Planting Churches
5 Church Planting Principles from the Book of Acts—Daniel R. Hyde
6 Heart Preparation in Church Planting—Paul T. Murphy
7 Church Planting: A Covenantal and Organic Approach—Paul T. Murphy
8 Planning the Plant: Some Thoughts on Preparing to Plant a New Church—Kim Riddlebarger
Part 3: The Work of Planting Churches
9 On Being a Church Planter—Daniel R. Hyde
10 Being a Welcoming Church Plant—Kevin Efflandt
11 Flock and Family: A Biblical Balance—Shane Lems
12 Declare His Praise among the Nations: Public Worship as the Heart of Evangelism—Daniel R. Hyde
13 “How’s the Food?” The Church Plant’s Most Important Ingredient—Michael G. Brown
14 Church Membership and the Church Plant—Michael G. Brown
15 Shepherding Toward Maturity, Part 1: The Authority in Church Planting— Spencer Aalsburg
16 Shepherding Toward Maturity, Part 2: Identifying a Mature Church Plant— Spencer Aalsburg
17 Motivation: The Planting Church and the Planted Church—Eric Tuininga
Part 4: The Context of Planting Churches
18 Church Planting in a Melting Pot—Shane Lems
19 The Cultural Factor in Church Planting—Mitchell Persaud
20 Growing Contextually Reformed Churches: Oxymoron or Opportunity?—Phil Grotenhuis
21 Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?—Michael S. Horton
Epilogue—Daniel R. Hyde and Shane Lems
Appendix A Church-Plant Timeline: A Big and Brief Picture of a Plant—Daniel R. Hyde and Shane Lems
Appendix B The Steering Committee—Spencer Aalsburg
Appendix C Guidelines for the Steering Committee—Spencer Aalsburg
Selected Bibliography
Scripture Index
Confessions Index
About the Editors: Daniel R. Hyde and Shane Lems are the church planters and pastors of the Oceanside United Reformed Church in Carlsbad/Oceanside, California, and United Reformed Church of Sunnyside in Sunnyside, Washington.
Contributors: Michael S. Horton, Brian Vos, Wes Bredenhof, Paul T. Murphy, Kim Riddlebarger, Kevin Efflandt, Michael G. Brown, Spencer Aalsburg, Eric Tuininga, Mitchell Persaud, Phil Grotenhuis
This Week's White Horse Inn

The Lost Tools of Discipleship
Jesus tells his followers to “make disciples of all nations.” But what does it mean to become a disciple, and what are today’s churches doing to fulfill this mission? Is this something for new converts only, or is it something we all participate in and pass on to our children? On this edition of White Horse Inn, the hosts will interact with these question and more as they discuss “The Lost Tools of discipleship.”
The Crack of the Bat, a Couple of Legends, and Moobs

The first game of the season -- Spring Training 2011, Yankees vs. Phillies. The first line-up has even been posted!
Jeter SS
Swisher RF
Teixeira 1b
Rodriguez 3b
Cano 2b
Posada DH
Granderson CF
Cervelli C
Gardner LF
Pitching: Colon
For every baseball fan, this is a great day! We've waited months for this. Even Cubs fans are brimming with hope as to what the new season may hold, and Red Sox fans can't see the utter humiliation which awaits them.
People wonder why I am a Yankees fan when I am a Californian down to the fourth generation. One reason is found in the picture of Yogi and Jeter from this year's spring training.
My first baseball game was at Dodger Stadium in July of 1964--Angels vs. Yankees. Even at age ten, I just knew that any team with Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra was better than the no-name scrubs from Los Angeles (you know, the "Los Angeles Angels" when they really were the Los Angeles Angels--Anaheim Stadium had not yet opened). No other sports team has the "legend thing," the Yankees do. The picture of Yogi and Jeter really conveys that point.
One last thing, the photo of Bartolo Colon running (and bouncing) somehow gives every middle-aged man hope. We are not alone. Even professional athletes can have moobs . . .
A.L. East: Obviously, either the Yankees or Red Sox win the A.L. East. Whichever of these two teams does not win the division (because of injuries, etc.) will fall to third or worse, because both Toronto and Baltimore are much, much improved. Tampa brings up the rear this year.
N.L. East: No question about this one; Phillies win, Atlanta wins the wild card.
A.L. Central: Tigers or Twins? Tigers
N. L. Central: Brewers
A. L. West: Angels over Rangers. I think the Angels will surprise everyone.
N. L. West: Giants
Your thoughts? Predictions?
Who Said That?

"Wherefore [Jesus] did not himself suffer death, but Simon, a certain man of Cyrene, being compelled, bore the cross in his stead; so that this latter being transfigured by him, that he might be thought to be Jesus, was crucified, through ignorance and error, while Jesus himself received the form of Simon, and, standing by, laughed at them."
Leave your guess in the comments section below. Please, no google searches or cheating. Answer to follow with the next post.

Irenaeus is describing the Gnostic heresies of Saturninus and Basilides, in his famous Against Heresies, I.XXIV.4
This Week at Christ Reformed Church

Wednesday Night Bible Study:
This week we will begin to consider the extent of the atonement. Our study begins at 7:00 p.m.
Friday Night Academy:
There is no Academy lecture this week. Prof. Samples will be out of town on a speaking engagement.
Ken will resume his series next week.
Upcoming Academy Series:
I will be lecturing on Mike Horton's new book, The Christian Faith. Note: this series will be a combination of lecture/discussion, and we will not be recording it. So, plan on attending! Dates to follow.
For more information about these events: Click Here
“His Inexpressible Gift” -- 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon:
Academy Audio Posted

Here's the audio from Friday night's Academy lecture (2/18/2011) -- “Christianity’s Magnificent Seven Apologetic Truths, Dangerous But Good - Creation”
This Week's White Horse Inn

The Strategic Plan
In the Great Commission, Jesus did not merely tell his followers to “go into all the world,” he also gave us specific instructions for the mission of the church. He said we are to preach, baptize, and make disciples. Sounds pretty simple, but are these elements high on the priority of the average Christian church? How about in your own Christian life? White Horse Inn: know what you believe and why you believe it!
Who Said That?

"I accept the resurrection of Easter Sunday not as an invention of the community of disciples, but as a historical event. If the resurrection of Jesus from the dead on that Easter Sunday were a public event which had been made known...not only to the 530 Jewish witnesses but to the entire population, all Jews would have become followers of Jesus."
Leave your guess in the comments section below. Please, no google searches or cheating. Answer to follow with the next "who said that?" post.

The quote is from Pinchas Lapide, Orthodox Jewish scholar, best known for his book, The Resurrection of Jesus: A Jewish Perspective (SPCK, 1984).