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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from February 1, 2013 - February 28, 2013


Pre-Pub Ordering Information on My Lectio Continua Commentary on 1 Corinthians

  It's almost here!

My new commentary on 1 Corinthians in the Lectio Continua series from Tolle Lege Press is expected to be available on March 25, 2013.  The retail price is $29.95

For more information on the commentary and to take a look at the endorsements, click here: 1 Corinthians Lectio Continua

To place an order directly from the publisher so that you get it as soon as it ships, click here: Pre-Pub ordering


Remembering Dr. Koop

News of the death of Dr. C. Everett Koop brought back several memories--including the recollection of one of my life's most embarrassing moments.

Dr. Koop will be remembered fondly and with great respect for a life well-lived.  Dr. Koop was a skilled and compassionate pediatrician, as well as a knowledgeable lay theologian, serving for a number of years as an elder at Tenth Presbyterian Church during the tenures of both Drs. Barnhouse and Boice.  With them, and in the presence of our Lord, he awaits the resurrection

Among Dr. Koop's many accomplishments, the one of which you are least likely to read, is that for a time, Dr. Koop was on the board of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.  This was back in the day when the White Horse Inn was under their auspices.

With great fondness, Mike Horton recounts some of his memories of Dr. Koop, whom Mike approached in the early 1980's to write a chapter on faith-healing for the book The Agony of Deceit.  The White Horse Inn is making available Dr. Koop's chapter from that book, along with a White Horse Inn interview with Dr. Koop from 2001.  You can read Michael's reflection upon his relationship with Dr. Koop here:  Horton Remembers Dr. Koop.

I once met Dr. Koop in person at a CURE/ACE function, which was so long ago I don't remember the particular circumstances.  I just remember his distinctive voice and his bowtie.  We were introduced, shook hands, and that was it.

But it was another encounter with Dr. Koop (well, with his voice) that I will never forget.

Back in the days when we taped the White Horse Inn live on Sunday nights at the KKLA studios in Glendale, after returning to Mike's house, we would often torment Rod by tuning on TBN to watch replays of "Praise the Lord" with Paul and Jan.  One Sunday evening someone brought a VHS tape of an "anointing service" from a TBN broadcast from a big church in Tulsa.  The program featured Word-Faith luminaries Oral Roberts, Kenneth Hagin and T. L. Osborn passing along their "anointing" to three younger Word-Faith pastors, Richard Roberts, Kenneth Hagin jr., and Kenneth Copeland.

During the "anointing" service the older Word-Faith gurus slayed the younger gurus-to-be in the spirit, during which time Kenneth Hagin launched into a tongue-speaking rap which would make Scatman Crothers and Cab Calloway proud.  We watched this spectacle over and over again, laughing harder every time.  Of course, Rod hated it--but laughed despite trying not to.  In fact, we still greet each other before White Horse Inn tapings with quips from Hagin's tongue-speak rap.

Well before I attained my present level of virtue and sophistication, I thought it might be funny to put Hagin's rap on my phone's outgoing message.  I recorded a long portion of Hagin's unintelligible tongue-rap followed by my quip, "any interpretation?  Leave a message."  Greatly self-satisfied, I finished up, left the house for lunch, dying to see who would be the first to call and get my clever message.

I return from lunch, see my phone blinking, and eagerly hit "play messages."  To my chagrin I hear this unmistakable voice booming back to me, "This is Surgeon General C. Everett Koop looking for Michael Horton . . .  I have no idea what that was or if someone was trying to be funny . . .  Please have Mr. Horton return my call . . ."

Not quite the interpretation of Hagin's tongue I wanted or expected.


We Just Might Miss Benedict XVI's Sense of Fashion

In light of Pope Benedict's impending retirement, I thought some of you might enjoy a new glance at one of the very first posts on the Riddleblog (from June of 2006). 

As the old saying goes, there are times when a picture can speak a thousand words.  This is surely one of them.


One of my Lutheran friends sent this to me with the following caption:

"The man on the left, wearing a fabulous vintage chiffon-lined Dior gold lame gown over a silk Vera Wang empire waisted tulle cocktail dress, accessorized with a 3-foot beaded peaked House of Whoville hat, along with the ruby slippers that Judy Garland wore in The Wizard of Oz, is worried that The Da Vinci Code might make the Roman Catholic Church look foolish."


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (February 25-March 3)

Sunday Morning (03/03/13):  We are now in chapter 6 of John's Gospel, and we will take up the account of Jesus' miracle in the feeding of the five thousand (John 6:1-15).

Sunday Afternoon:  I will be leading our afternoon catechism service which begins @ 1:15 p.m.  We are currently going through our liturgical forms.  This Lord's day we will be going through the form for the profession of faith. 

Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. (2/27/13):  we are wrapping up our study of the sacraments by summarizing the Reformed doctrine of the Lord's Supper.  Once we have finished, we will turn next to a study of the Book of Revelation.

The Academy 7:30 p.m. (3/1/13):  We are discussing Michael Horton's theology text The Christian Faith.  We are currently in chapter 4, discussing the inspiration and authority of Scripture.

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website:  Christ Reformed Church


This Week's White Horse Inn

I Am the Resurrection

What does Jesus mean about being “the door”? What is significant about his claiming to be the “good shepherd” who “lays down his life for the sheep”? What does he mean when he says “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live”? On this edition of White Horse Inn the hosts will interact with these passages in more detail as they focus on chapters ten and eleven of John’s Gospel.

Click Here


This Week at Christ Reformed Church and Fort Lauderdale (February 18-24)

Sunday Morning (02/24/13):  Rev. Andrew Compton is preaching on "The birth of Joseph and his brothers: A Sermon on Genesis 29:31-30:24"

Sunday Afternoon:  Prof. Ken Samples will be leading our afternoon catechism service which begins @ 1:15 p.m.  

Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. (2/20/13):  I am teaching this week's study, and we will be talking about the frequency of the celebration of Lord's Supper

The Academy 7:30 p.m:  No Academy this week

Liberate (2/22/13):  The entire White Horse Inn crew will be attending the Liberate conference on Friday in Fort Lauderdale, FL.  Lord willing, we will be doing a live taping @ 2:00 p.m.  Hope to see some of you at the conference!  Here's the link to the conference website:  Liberate Conference

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website:  Christ Reformed Church


"A Noble Task" -- 1 Timothy 3:1-13

Here is the audio from this morning's sermon for the ordination and installation of elders and deacons.

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Truth Will Set You Free

“If you abide in my word,” Jesus says, “you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” Do these words characterize Christianity in our time? Are churches in this country known for their love of “truth”? Are they focused on making disciples who abide in God’s word? That’s what’s on tap for this program as the hosts discuss chapters eight and nine of the Gospel of John.

Click Here


Alligator Meat OK for Lent?

With all the talk of the propriety of observing Lent these days, I thought it might help to know that should you choose to do so, the Archbishop of New Orleans has approved the eating of alligator during the Lenten season.  The reason is, as he states, alligator is "in the fish family" and considered "seafood" (h.t. Gene Veith).

Well, that settles it . . . 


Baseball Fans Know What This Day Means

Pitchers and catchers report today!  Spring training is about to get underway.  At last!

This means box scores are soon to come, my Gameday app will need to be updated, and one of life's most enjoyable diversions is about to return.

On this day, the Cubs are still tied for first place, and that embarrassing Yankee debacle in Detroit is but a fading memory.  Mo is back, A-Rod might not return, and we'll see if the Yanks can win 95 again . . . and not wuss out in the playoffs.