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Entries from May 1, 2012 - May 31, 2012


Riddleblogger Update

Just heard from the Doc that I'll need to undergo surgery tomorrow to repair what ails me.  It is routine, barring any unforessen complications.  But I'll be off-line for a bit.  I welcome your prayers, and I'll update you when I'm back on my feet.

And no, I'm not having a hair transplant!  No plugs for me!



This Week's White Horse Inn

Growing in Grace and Knowledge

Knowledge and truth have fallen on hard times in contemporary American culture. We are distracted from thinking deeply about anything because we are too busy focusing on ourselves and our own entertainment. Sadly, this problem is not merely “out there” in the world. Overnight, contemporary churches have become entertainment centers and purveyors of self-centered spirituality. Encouraged by smiling television preachers to have our best life now, modern Christians have almost lost sight of Jesus and his saving work. We desperately need to follow the advice of the apostle Peter, who encouraged believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Pet 3:18). R. C. Sproul joins the panel for this special edition of White Horse Inn recorded before a live audience in Orlando, Florida.

Click Here


"When the Helper Comes" -- A Sermon for Pentecost

Here's the audio from last Sunday's sermon on Pentecost.  Click Here

If you are wondering why there is no picture associated with this post, I've got a slow internet connection here in my hospital cell room.  And just do a google search for images associated with Pentecost, and you'll quickly understand the second reason why I couldn't find a decent image to post.


The Riddleblogger Down for a Few Days

Several of you have asked about me since I haven't posted for a couple of days.

I am fine, but I took ill at church on Sunday, went to the ER, and landed in the hospital.

I will be OK-- but given what is wrong with me I am adopting the "if you ask me, I'm going to tell you policy."

Trust me, don't ask. I should be fine shortly, and would be grateful for your prayers in the meantime.


Why Do We Go to Church? Horton's Got the Answer!

We often take very basic things for granted.  Michael Horton takes a fresh look at an important question, "why go to church?"  He frames the matter this way.  "Do we come to church primarily to receive or primarily to do something? In other words, is God not only the object but the primary actor in the service, or are we?"

To read the essay, Click Here


A World Without the Fall -- Thomas Kinkade's Take on the World

If you are a fan of the late Thomas Kinkaid's work, there is nothing to see here, so you should move along.

If you are not a fan of Kinkaid (I certainly am not), you might be interested in this essay by Daniel Siedell who lays out a very interesting take on Kinkaid's pre-fallen world and its tie to law without the gospel.  Mike Horton even makes an appearance in the essay.

You can read it here:  Click Here


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (May 21-27)

Sunday Morning (5/21):  This Sunday, Lord willing, I will be preaching on Pentecost from John 15:26-16:15.

Sunday AfternoonI am leading our afternoon catechism service and we will be taking up Lord's Day 39, and the fifth commandment.  Our afternoon service begins @ 1:15 p.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Study (5/23):  I am continuing my series on the sacraments, and this week we are continuing to address Baptist arguments against paedobaptism.  Bible study begins at 7:00 p.m.

The Academy:  The Academy is on hiatus until next Fall.

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website:  Christ Reformed Church


“This Jesus, Who Was Taken Up” -- Acts 1:1-11 A Sermon on the Ascension

Here's the audio from Sunday's sermon on our Lord's ascension:

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Worship Experience

The worship wars are over, and most Protestant churches now feature a praise band or worship team. In the quest for relevance, today’s churches offer worship experiences that are in tune with the expectations that parishioners receive from contemporary pop culture. However, some are beginning to recognize that this pop-music worship style lacks a certain transcendence, and in their quest to find a sense of the sacred, many are abandoning evangelicalism and are becoming Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox. So is this new appreciation for Gregorian chants and swinging incense a healthy reaction? What is worship anyway? That’s what’s on tap on this edition of White Horse Inn.

Click Here


Ken Jones on "Routine Traffic Stops" and the Trayvon Martin Case

Ken Jones addresses this controversial subject on the White Horse Inn blog.  Click Here