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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from October 1, 2006 - October 31, 2006


Who Said That?

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Who said that?

Thus it is probable that the womb in which our Savior received the auspices of life (whence he entered into this world, as from a temple) was so consecrated and sanctified by so great a guest that she [Mary] always remained untouched by man; nor did Joseph ever cohabit with her."

OK . . . who said that?  Please, no google searches or cheating.  You have to guess!  Leave your comments below.


Does Anybody Know???

Question Mark 2.jpgBlogs are a great way of disseminating information.  Blogs can also serve as an important means of gathering information from diverse places.

One of the elders at Christ Reformed asked me a great question which I thought I would pass along to you.

"Are there any Reformed churches with outreach ministries, or parachurch organizations specifically devoted to witnessing to Muslims in America?  Are there any Reformed groups devoted to apologetic issues raised by Muslims here in America (such as groups like CAIR)?"

If you know of any, please leave your answer in the comments section below.  It would be great to learn of people out there laboring in this very important mission field.


Who Said That?

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Who Said That?

"Christianity was propagated by light, instruction and knowledge, reasoning and enquiry. These things were encouraged by the gospel. And by these means the gospel prevailed.  But Islam was not propagated by light and instruction, but by darkness, not by encouraging reasoning and search but by discouraging knowledge and learning, shutting out these things and forbidding inquiry and so, in short, by hoodwinking mankind and blinding their eyes."

You know the rules--no google searches or cheating.  I pick these quotes to make a point.  This one is no exception.  Place your answer in the comments section below. 



Who Said That?

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"Are you ready to meet Jesus?  Are you where you want to be?  Will he know you when he sees you, or will he say `depart from me'?"

Have some fun with this one.  Place your answer in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  The fun is in making the guess, not looking up the answer!


"Signs of the Times"

KR teaching.gifMy recent Academy lecture (Friday, October 13) entitled "signs of the times" has been posted on the Christ Reformed info blog.  Click here: Christ Reformed Info - The Latest News - "Signs of the Times"

In this lecture, I set out the preliminary outline for my forthcoming book ("The Future") in which I deal with the relationship between things already fulfilled in biblical prophecy and things yet to be fulfilled.  I'll post more of this material as I complete it.


Jihad Against the Apple Store?

apple_store.jpgAccording to an article in TheRegister (UK) (Click here: Apple's NY Fifth Avenue store is an 'insult to Islam' | The Register), the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in New York, is an offence to Muslims because it looks too much like the sacred ka'ba in Mecca.  You gotta be kidding????

Oh, and while we are speaking of Islamic outrage, the advertisements on TheRegister website (UK), listed this little gem: Islamic ringtones for your cell (Click here: RingRingMobile - Get Your Ringtone and Bonus Tones Now!).  Now you can hear "death to America" whenever you want! 

I wonder if the sponsor of these ringtones knew that a fatwa had been issued against them by a Saudi cleric?  I guess not.  (Click here: Riddleblog - The Latest Post - A Fatwa I Can Understand!


Who Said That?

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"Don't pray no stupid prayers"


I'm giving you an easy one this time!  Hint--repeat the quote with a drawl.  Leave your answer in the comments section.  But try and guess who this is before looking at the comments.  No cheating or google searches.


A Fatwa I Can Understand!

fatwa.jpgAccording an article on Cellular News (Click here: A Fatwa Against Ringtones), an iman in a Saudi mosque issued a fatwa after a cellphone played someone's ringtone during a prayer service.  Now that's a fatwa I can understand! 


An imam at a Mosque in Saudi Arabia issued a fatwa against mobile phones after one rang during prayers on Saturday. A report in the local newspaper, Al-Watan said that the imam had begun the Taraweeh prayer (Taraweeh is an Arabic phrase referring to extra prayers given by Sunnis at night in the Islamic month of Ramadan) when the sound of Arabic pop music began playing from the audience.

The imam turned to the crowd in the Mosque and issued his own fatwa. The fatwa states that the next time somebody allows their phone to go off in the congregation, the imam could throw the guilty person out of the mosque.

After a degree of shouting at the congregation, the imam regained his composure, turned around, and continued with the Taraweeh.

A fatwa, is a legal pronouncement in Islam made by a mufti, a scholar capable of issuing judgments on Sharia (Islamic law).


Next time a cell rings during a sermon or the Lord's Supper, I know what I am going to do!



We Are What We Read . . .

Reading.jpgAs part of Christianity Today's on-going reflection upon American evangelicalism, comes a list of the 50 books (written after World War II) which have done the most to shape modern evangelicalism.  If this list is correct, it is no wonder that evangelicalism is in the sorry shape that it is.  While there are some real gems on this list (from Lewis, Packer, Schaeffer, Piper), some are not "gems" at all (and are more like dirt clods).  As you can tell, neither Mere Christianity nor Knowing God is number one on this list.  Click here: The top 50 books that have shaped evangelicals - Christianity Today Magazine


Mike Horton Interviews Sam Solomon

WHI Logo.jpgBe sure to listen to Mike Horton's interview with Sam Solomon, a former professor of Shariah Law, who converted from Islam to Christianity.  This is a very powerful and important interview.  It is the first of two parts.  Click here: The White Horse Inn: Know What You Believe & Why You Believe It

You may also be interested in Professor Ken Samples' lectures on Islam at the Academy at Christ Reformed Church:  (Click here: Christ Reformed Info - MP3's and Real Audio (of Academy Lectures)