Horton Reviews Wright on Justification (Part Seven)

Here's the next installment of Horton's review of N. T. Wright's latest on justification.
Living in Light of Two Ages
Here's the next installment of Horton's review of N. T. Wright's latest on justification.
The Ninth in a Series of Sermons on the Book of James
We live in an age of remarkable technological advance. At the touch of a keystroke, the world is at our finger tips via the world-wide web. When we launch men and women into space, we hardly even pay attention, because it is now so common place. We live in a country which has more wealth, and greater prosperity than any country the earth has ever known. On average, we live longer than our forbears, we are taller, stronger, and medical science can cure much of what ails us. We have cracked the human genome, and advances in DNA research hold out great hope for curing disease and extending life. As Americans, we are proud, confident, self-sufficient, and beholden to no one. We live at a time when fifty is the new forty, youth culture dominates, and we act like we’ll live forever. Yet behind the facade of life in modern America is the stark reality found in the end of the fourth chapter of James. As James dares to remind us, when viewed from the perspective of eternity, our lives are nothing but a mist (a vapor). We appear for but a short time and then we quickly disappear. While some may take James’ assertion as an expression of the futility of life, nothing could be further from the truth. James is poking a very large hole in sinful human pride, and is continuing his exhortation that Christians must humble themselves before God. None of us will seek grace, unless and until we see our need for grace. This is James’ point in the final verses of James chapter 4. The surest way to be humbled is to consider the precarious nature of human life and be reminded that God determines our future and that we do not.
As we continue our series on the Book of James, we now wrap-up chapter four, as we cover verses 13-17, which is actually part of a larger section which runs all the way to James 5:11. Although there is a good case to be made for treating this entire section of James at one time, the point James makes about the fleeting nature of human life in the final verses of chapter 4, is one which is especially important given the fact that we’ve recently lost a beloved member of our congregation, and we have been reminded yet again of just how short life can be. While we don’t like to talk about it, all of this forces to face our own death and to realize that the sovereign God controls our future. More to the point, it is good to be reminded that we must live each day in the light of eternity. That is what James is doing here. James is giving us the best possible reason to humble ourselves–in light of eternity, our lives are very short. The truth is that we do not control our destinies, God does.
Even though there is great temptation for us to allow our great technological advances and material prosperity to hide the fact that we will not live forever, James reminds us of the stark reality that life can be very short, and that God holds our destinies in the palm of his eternal hand. People who think they control their own destinies will have a very hard time humbling themselves, or seeing their need to draw near to God. To use James’ terminology, people who think they control their own future will very easily become friends with the world. They are well-satisfied with the wisdom of this age. These are people who like to hear, but they never quite get around to doing. Such people do not seek grace from God, and remain enslaved to their sinful passions. They see no need to change anything. They have heard, professed, and are remarkably self-sufficient. What more do they need to do?
To read the rest of this sermon, click here
Here we go again . . . The third week of audio troubles.
A brief explanation (for those of you who have asked). The company which hosts our audio was purchased by another company. The old company was supposed to transfer all our audio files to the new company. We can't tell if they did or if they didn't. The old company has two explanations. The first is that the files were transferred and the new company should have posted them. The second is that the old files were "lost." If the latter is true, that is not good news.
The new company likewise has two explanations. They say they have the files, but need authorization from the old company. The hold-up is the needed authorization. The other explanation is they never got the files. Obviously, we hope the first explanation is the case.
So, let me just say that we are no longer being nice. I'll leave it at that . . .
We are also preparing to start over (if need be), set up a new audio domain and upload the files from our own various backups. This solution will break all current the links and we'll have to redo them. But we'll turn our scars into stars and make lemonade out of lemons (or whatever tripe you want to add).
In any case, we've got good techies working on it and we have some very good ideas about how to get things up and going (and hopefully) have greater capacity and room for video.
Stay tuned . . . Thanks for your patience with us!
Is Christ the only way to heaven? If so, does that make Christianity an intolerant religion? How should believers relate to outsiders, this side of heaven? These questions and more will be addressed on this edition of the White Horse Inn as the hosts discuss tolerance and the Christian faith. (Originally broadcast Feb. 25, 2007).
“Politically, humanity cannot afford more than ‘one America’, and the same can be said ecologically of the earth. If the whole world were ‘America’, the whole world would already have been destroyed. If all human beings were to drive as many cars as Germans and Americans, and drive them as much, the atmosphere would already be mortally poisoned. The American millenium can be the downfall of the world. There is awareness of this ambiguity in America, inasmuch as ‘the American nightmare’ (Malcolm X) is following hard on the heels of the American dream, and American messianism is closely pursued by American apocalyptic.”
Leave your guess in the comments section below. Please, no google searches or cheating. The whole point is to guess! Answer to follow next week.
This is found in Jurgen Moltmann's, The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology (Minneapoolis: Fortress, 1996), 177.
Here's the link to this morning's sermon:
You can listen to Michael lecture on his new book, The Gospel-Driven Life @ the Spring Theology Conference of the Reformation Society of Oregon (May 2nd, 2009 at Estacada Christian Church).
Session #1: The Front Page God (MP3)
Session #2: The Promise-Driven Life (MP3)
Joel Richardson's book on the Islamic Antichrist offers a new spin on the dispensational teaching regarding a Russian-Arab confederation invading Israel. Richardson sees this as a reference to the Islamic Madhi. Since cold war images don't fit (Russian expansionism), lets try Islam. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=108899
Now this comes as a big surprise . . . Most megachurches are "evangelical" and "contemporary." Wow, I had no idea . . . And someone received a paycheck for that brilliant observation???? http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2009-09-16-church-growth_N.htm
Now the environmentalists are after two-ply toilet paper. Give me two-ply or give me death! If this comes to pass, I'll have to subscribe to the Los Angeles Times again. That will work. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/09/23/AR2009092304711_pf.html
Series: I am resuming my "Amillennialism 101" series, picking up where I left off lest time.
This Week's Lecture: "The Kingdom of God" (part one). In this lecture, we will look at various interpretations of the kingdom of God, especially the Old testament expectation and the present reality of that kingdom.
Course Synopsis: Eschatology is not just a discussion of "last things" or signs of the end. The question of last things is tied to our basic understanding of how to read the Bible. I believe the Bible is a Christ-centered book, and that a truly biblical eschatology must be centered around the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Texts: Kim Riddlebarger, A Case for Amillennialism (Baker, 2003). Click here: Riddleblog - A Case for Amillennialism - Understanding the End
Kim Riddlebarger, The Man of Sin (Baker, 2006). Click here: Riddleblog - Man of Sin - Uncovering the Truth About Antichrist
For More Info: http://www.christreformed.org/
Hope to see you there!