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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries by Kim Riddlebarger (3928)


This Week's White Horse Inn

A Survey of Christian Faith & Practice

Have you ever heard of the doctrine of justification? What's the best way to summarize the Christian gospel? On this edition of the program the hosts interact with answers to questions like these as they walk through the results of a White Horse Inn survey of approximately 100 Christians.



Audio from Friday's Academy Lecture Posted

Here's the audio from Ken's 
Academy lecture (11/06/09)
"Intelligent Reading 5 / Intro
to Logic 1: Learning How to
Learn - Part 5"

Click here



Tonight's Academy Lecture -- Samples Returns

 Join us tonight at 7:30 p.m. when Professor Kenneth Samples continues the Academy series entitled “Learning Skills 101: Learning How To Learn (Part 5)”

The Study Skills 101: Learning How To Learn class is specifically offered to help believers sharpen their thinking, reading, and speaking skills. This course can be directly helpful to teachers, parents (especially homeschool parents), and students, particularly adult students who want to engage in a lifelong journey of intellectual discovery and learning. This class can serve as a fun and challenging opportunity to clear the mental cobwebs that too often accumulate with the passage of time and age. All educational levels can benefit from the content of this class. Come and learn the enduring insights of famed philosopher and educator Mortimer J. Adler by studying his best selling work How to Read a Book. -- Professor Kenneth Samples.

Textbooks: How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren and A World of Difference by Kenneth Samples

Instructor: Professor Kenneth Samples, Senior Scholar of Apologetics at Reasons to Believe, Adult Education Instructor at Christ Reformed Church, Anaheim.


Number 27!

If you read this blog, you know that I am a die-hard Yankees fan.  I've been one ever since my parents took me to see the Angels play the Yankees back in July of 1964.  I remember that game like it was yesterday. 

The game was at Dodger Stadium because Anaheim Stadium had not yet been built.  My sister got Albie Pearson's autograph on my baseball glove (he was an Angels outfielder and a leader in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and I still have that glove).  Jim Bouton pitched for the Yankees--I remember that his hat kept falling off because of his odd follow-through.  The Yankees won 5-0.

My folks were hoping I'd become a fan of the new local baseball team (the Angels).  We are Orange Countians after all, not New Yorkers.  But when the Yankees took the field, it was love at first sight.

And now here we are, forty-five years later and I am as thrilled today, as I was on July 29, 1964.

Don't give me the same old line about A-Rod and Pettitte being cheaters, or that the Yankees bought the pennant.  They've spent big bucks every year from 2001-2008 and didn't win the World Series.  A-Rod and Pettitte came clean and the PED issue is a much bigger story than these two guys. 

The Yankees won this year because they played very good fundamental baseball, which made them a blast to watch, and in the end ensured their twenty-seventh World Series victory!  And I am thrilled!


Horton on ECT and the BVM

Horton writes,

"Ask many Protestants today why they are not Roman Catholic and they may refer to `something about Mary and the saints.'  However, for the Reformers, the heart of the problem was the sufficiency of Scripture and especially the sufficiency of Christ the Mediator for sinners.  Are we justified by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, or by grace and our merits, faith and our works, Christ and the intercession of Mary and the saints."

To read the rest of Michael's essay,


More Christ Reformed Audio Posted

The techies at Christ Reformed have posted a number of audio files of my sermons preached long ago at Christ Reformed.

These include a number of series and occasional sermons:

The Drama of Redemption (Exodus, Leviticus)

The Drama of Redemption (Numbers, Deuteronomy)

The Drama of Redemption (Joshua)

The Drama of Redemption (Judges)


Reformation Sundays


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Reason for God

How can we believe in God when there is so much evil and suffering in the world? Isn't it arrogant to insist that Christianity is the only true religion? These questions and more will be addressed on this edition of the White Horse Inn as Tim Keller joins the panel to discuss his New York Times bestselling book, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.



Who Said That?

"But the truth is, it is not Jesus as historically known, but Jesus as spiritually arisen within men, who is significant for our time and can help it.  Not the historical Jesus, but the spirit which goes forth from Him and in the spirits of men strives for new influence and rule, is that which overcomes the world."

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow next week.


"If God Be for Us" -- Romans 8:28-39

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon for Reformation Sunday

Click here



Reformation Hymn Festival -- Tonight at 7:30!

Join us at Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim as we celebrate the Reformation with Scripture reading and song! 

Our Festival of Hymns will be held on Friday, October 30, at 7:30 p.m. There will be readings from Scripture and the Reformed confessions, as well as  congregational singing accompanied by our choir, brass, and organ.  All are welcome to stay for dessert and fellowship after the Hymn Festival.  For directions, click on this link ( or call (714) 538-1057.