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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries by Kim Riddlebarger (3928)


Andy and the Environmentalists

Did you know that your dog has double the carbon footprint of your SUV?  That's news to me, and it was certainly news to Andy.  Not only is he getting old, keeping him alive might do irreparable damage to the environment.  He's worried.  I think the whole thing is asinine.  Fido's Carbon Footprint

If you voted for John McCain in the last presidential election, this will explain why things just didn't seem right for a few weeks after the election.  Why voting for McCain left men "weak"

The Orange County Register takes issue with Paul and Jan's (from TBN) latest tax return--$332, 237.00 spent on pilots, not to mention the 26 million dollar Bombardier Global Business Jet owned by the "ministry."  Hey, it costs big bucks to get back and forth between Nashville (and "Trinity City") and the big OC ("Trinity" headquarters).  These people have the right to do this, but lack the shame not to.  Ever heard of Southwest Airlines?  Paul and Jan's Jet

Speaking of the ostentatious, did you know that ministers are not supposed to wear sandals and ride bicycles?  God wants us to have private jets and nice (I mean really nice) duds.  I didn't know that until Benny Hinn explained this basic principle.  Can't wait to run this by the consistory!   Benny's Glad to Reply



Tonight's Academy Lecture -- Amillennialism 101

Series:  "Amillennialism 101" 

Lecture:  Amillennarians are often accused of teaching "replacement theology."  Do we?  What is the relationship between Israel in the Old Testament and the church in the New?

Course Synopsis:  Eschatology is not just a discussion of "last things" or signs of the end.  The question of last things is tied to our basic understanding of how to read the Bible.  I believe the Bible is a Christ-centered book, and that a truly biblical eschatology must be centered around the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Texts:  Kim Riddlebarger,  A Case for Amillennialism (Baker, 2003).  Click here: Riddleblog - A Case for Amillennialism - Understanding the End

Kim Riddlebarger, The Man of Sin (Baker, 2006).  Click here: Riddleblog - Man of Sin - Uncovering the Truth About Antichrist 


A Good Friend's First Book

Brett Provance--who is an old friend and one of the first elders at Christ Reformed Church--has written his first book.

I first met Brett when I owned a Christian bookstore and he was a (young) salesman for a number of Christian publishers.  He's now a scholar and still a gentleman.

Here's the publisher's blurb:

About the Book

Today there is a rising tide of interest in worship and a renewed study of the church's heritage of liturgy. But as students quickly learn, there are numerous terms, texts and traditions for which regular dictionaries and even theological dictionaries are no help. The Pocket Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship is a quick-reference guide for students engaged in readings and lectures as well as for leaders of worship and liturgy who want to renew, check or expand their knowledge.

The range of topics includes

  • practices, such as altar call and benediction
  • rites, such as baptism and Eucharist
  • symbols, such as incense and dove
  • texts, such as Apostolic Constitutions and Book of Common Prayer
  • gestures, such as kneeling and sign of the cross
  • vestments, such as alb and robe
  • musical terms, such as a cappella and Agnus Dei
  • observances, such as All Saints' Day and Easter
  • architectural features, such as apse and sacristy

 Here's the link to Amazon:  click here

Congrats Brett!


Frame's Negative Review of Horton's Christless Christianity

John Frame--who was Michael Horton's professor (and mine) during his time at Westminster--has published a decidedly negative (and to my mind, mean-spirited and completely wide of the mark) review of Michael Horton's book Christless Christianity.

Frame's review can be found here:

Here's a reply posted today on the White Horse Inn blog:

Michael is perfectly capable of defending himself.  He'll do that when and how he sees fit. 

But given Frame's lament about "Machen's Warrior Children," his open disdain for the law-gospel distinction, his long-standing support and defense of Norman Shepherd, his rosy assessment of contemporary American Evangelicalism, and his history of muddying Reformed theological distinctions (perspectivalism, anyone?) sadly, Frame's negative review comes as no surprise.


"Contend for the Faith that Was Once for All Delivered to the Saints" -- Jude 1-25

The First in a Two Part Series on the Epistle of Jude

One of the greatest threats to the Christian church occurs when its own pastors and teachers deny the very gospel which they’ve been entrusted to proclaim.  In the Epistle of Jude, we witness a church which has been secretly infiltrated by self-appointed spokesmen for God, who were advocating the false teaching that because we are saved by God’s grace, we are no longer bound to follow the commandments of God.  This is classic antinomianism.  These false teachers claimed to be followers of Jesus, while at the same time were themselves engaging in all kinds of sexual immorality closely tied to the paganism of the age.  By indulging in sins of the flesh under the guise of God’s grace, Jude says these teachers were denying the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Having become aware that this was going on in the churches, Jude writes a short but very powerful exhortation to Christian faithful in these churches to oppose these false teachers with everything in them, and to earnestly “contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.”

We begin a two-part series on the Epistle of Jude–one of the shortest epistles in the New Testament.  What makes the Epistle of Jude such an interesting book for us is the fact that Jude is the brother of James and Jesus.  In fact, based upon the list of Jesus’ brothers in Mark 6:3 and Matthew 13:55, Jude is probably James’ younger brother.  Since we have just completed a series on the Epistle of James, I thought it would be interesting to take a couple of Lord’s Days and go through this very interesting, but far too often overlooked portion of the New Testament.  It is Jude who gives us one of the most often-quoted but least practiced exhortations of the New Testament:  “Contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.”  In a perilous age such as ours, when far too many Christians are ignorant of the most basic of Christian doctrines, and all too prone to compromising with the paganism around us, we need to let Jude’s exhortation to contend for the faith to ring in our ears.

Although the author of this book is the brother of James–who wrote his epistle in the mid-forties of the first century–many argue that Jude was written as much as twenty years after the Epistle of James.  This would give us a date of composition somewhere in the mid-sixties, although I think a good case can be made for a much earlier date (the early 50's).  Although the date of this epistle is somewhat up in the air, it is very clear that Jude is writing under a completely different set of circumstances than those facing his brother James.  For Jude, the issue which prompts the writing of this epistle is that Christians are under the assault of deceptive false teachers.  Believers in Jude’s audience need to wake up and resist this  group of false teachers who had secretly infiltrated their churches.  At the same time they are doing that, Jude’s readers need to make every effort to build themselves up in the most holy faith–one of the surest and best ways to prevent false teachers from destroying the churches.

To read the rest of this sermon, click here


Horton Reviews Wright on Justification (Part Nine)

Mike addresses the matter  of "works of law."  You can find it here.


Grace Church in Portland

It was great to meet Rev. Dan McManigal, pastor of Grace Church, a URCNA church plant in West Linn (a suburb of Portland).  Pastor McManigal and his wife are transplanted Orange Countians, and several families from Christ Reformed (who have relocated to the area) now worship there.  Need I say more?

If you live in the Portland area and are looking for a church, here you go!

The Grace church website can be found here:

If you live in the Salem area, here's a link to Immanuel's Reformed Church.  They are overseeing Grace Church.


Ken Samples on "Issues, Etc."

Ken Samples was recently on Issues, Etc. discussing conspiracy theories. 

Ken has been on with the host of Issues, Todd Wilken, many, many times.  Hmmm . . .  I wonder what they're plotting.


This Week on the White Horse Inn

Christianity & Secular Culture

On this edition of the program, the hosts talk with international columnist Uwe Siemon-Netto about his career in journalism, as well as his conversion back to the faith of his childhood. The conversation also centers on the doctrine of vocation, two kingdom theory, and the radical theology behind various secular political movements.

To listen. go here:



The Reformation Society of Portland's Fall Conference

I had a great time at the Reformation Society of Portland's 2009 Fall Theology conference (held earlier today).

I finally got to meet two people I've spoken with on the phone and emailed off and on for years, but had never met face to face.

Here I am with David Thommen (he's got the goatee), who is the pastor-teacher of the Estacada Christian Church which hosted the conference.  Pastor Thommen's a great guy and a most gracious host.  If you live anywhere near Estacada and are looking for a church go check it out.

The gentlemen to my left is John Hendryx, the proprietor of  John's been posting my MP3's for several years and much of the traffic to the Riddleblog comes from  If you've never been to Monergism's website, nor shopped in their on-line bookstore you are missing out on one of the greatest resources on the web!

It was nice to meet both of them!  I'll let you know when the audio from the conference is posted.