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Living in Light of Two Ages



"It Boasts of Great Things" -- James 3:1-12

The Sixth in a Series of Sermons on the Book of James

Living in Southern California, we are all far too familiar with frightening scenes of wind-driven brush fires consuming everything in their path. When a brush fire strikes, vital watershed, expensive properties and homes are destroyed in minutes. People and animals are displaced, the skies turn black, and panic is the rule of the day. And yet as James reminds us, a more painful kind of damage can be done almost instantaneously by the human tongue. The words which we speak are capable of great destruction. Just as a small spark can create a horrific fire, our words can inflict great personal pain, or even destroy someone’s reputation which they’ve worked a lifetime to build. And then there is the fact that our words reveal how deeply and thoroughly sin resides in our hearts. The words which we speak reveal to everyone our deepest thoughts, they reveal our true character, and they expose how wise we may or may not be. A brush fire causes great havoc and damage. But the damage done by a fire, often pales in comparison to the damage which can be done by the human tongue.

We resume our series on the Book of James. When we left off last time, we discussed one of the most controversial passages in all the Bible–James 2:14-26. In that passage, James makes his case that a living faith (i.e., a justifying faith) is a faith which inevitably manifests itself in good works. James has carefully set out the cause and effect relationship between regeneration, faith, and good works. In James 1:18, our Lord’s brother told us that God has brought us forth (regeneration) through the word of truth (the gospel). In verse 21, James speaks of how that same word has been implanted in our souls, giving rise to faith (James 2:1). Believers are to receive that word with meekness and humility. And that same word, which is able to save our souls, is also to be obeyed. Says James in verse 22 of chapter one, “be doers of the word and not mere hearers only.”

Then in James 2:10, James has told us that the law of God exposes all us to be sinners, since if we break but a single commandment, we are as guilty as though we had broken every commandment. Sin but a single time and God regards us as a law-breakers. And yet, since Jesus Christ has fulfilled the law through his own perfect obedience to the Lord’s commandments, and because Jesus Christ has died for all of those times we have failed to keep the law, for the Christian, the law is now described as a “law of liberty.” As James puts it, the Christian who gazes upon the law preservers during trials. Such a person is a doer who acts. But the one who only hears, but does not do, is like someone who looks at himself in a mirror and then immediately forgets what he looks like. The law exposes sin, reckons people law-breakers, and smokes out those who are mere hearers of the word only. When such people make a profession of faith in Christ, that profession is not accompanied by good works. They may claim to follow Christ, but give no hint of actually following him. They “hear” but they do not “do.”

To read the rest of this sermon, click here


One Reason Why I'd Like to See the Seventeenth Amendment Repealed

Aside from my personal opinions about Senator Barbara Boxer (now known as Ma'am), there is a point behind this post.  The video speaks for itself.  How does this woman get re-elected over and over again?

As for my point . . .  US Senators were supposed to represent the interests of their state in all business regarding the federal government.  The members of the House of Representatives were to represent the interests of the citizens within their various districts before the federal government. 

But once the seventeenth amendment was ratified in 1913, US Senators were effectively removed from their state legislatures, now to reside full-time in DC.  In practice, US Senators no longer represent their states, but their political parties.  This re-structuring of the constitution has helped to create the kind of pomposity we see coming from Ma'am Boxer in this video.  Senators no longer see themselves as public servants, but as an elite governing class, above the rabble . . .  Sadly, this kind of condescending attitude coming from Ma'am Boxer toward a decorated brigadier general, is typical of virtually all senators from either party.  

One way to put an end to this would be to return these people to their state legislatures (for six months of the year) and force them to represent the interest of their states, not their political parties.  If you want a smaller, more responsive federal government, one place to start is with the repeal of the seventeenth amendment! 


Westminster Seminary California Commencement Address

Here's the audio from my address given on the occasion of the twenty-eighth graduation at my alma mater (May 30, 2009)


So, Who Are These People Who Go to Megachurches?

No surprise here. Those who attend megachurches are much "more likely to be young, single, more educated and wealthier," says a major new study. The evidence also shows a lot of lookey-loos, and very high turnover. Click here: Survey Examines America's Megachurchgoers |

I grew up in a Christian Bookstore, and managed our family's bookstore until 1995.  One of the giants was Berean.  They used to sell mostly books, but like most other "Christian stores," Christian trinkets and T-shirts displaced serious theology books and commentaries.  Now, Berean is on the verge of going the way of all flesh.  Click here: Berean Christian Stores Files Chapter 11, Seeks Buyer - 6/12/2009 7:10:00 AM - Publishers Weekly#&source=title

If I commanded a warship (as an Arleigh Burke Desron 23 fan, its my fantasy), I'd not only ban Brussels sprouts, but Okra as well.  That slimy stuff is of Satan--no doubt, a post-Fall phenomena.  Peas might make my list as well.  I'd ban all the stuff I hated as a kid, but my parents made me eat anyway.  You know, the stuff you'd hide in a napkin, or give to the dog.  Problem with our dog was he wouldn't eat Okra.  He wouldn't even take it out to bury.  I'll bet cats like Okra.  Click here: Royal Navy captain bans brussels on Plymouth warship

Speaking of things I don't like to eat, be careful at the local Sushi-Bar. There's critter eggs in that raw fish. Click here: Are urban tapeworms on the rise?: Scientific American Blog


"The Mystery of Christ" -- Ephesians 3:1-13

Here's the link to Sunday's sermon, the sixth in a series on Ephesians.


Who Said That?

"I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag, and to the Savior, for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe."

You know how this works.  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  No google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow next week.


Pet Care After the Rapture

Suppose you go in the Rapture . . . What happens to Fido after you are gone?  Cats can take care of themselves.  But what about dogs?  Well, here's a group of avowed UK atheists who know they won't go in the Rapture.  So, for a small fee, they'll feed your pets after you are gone.  Click here: Post Rapture Pet Care :: Care for your pets after your gone

You know you are a heretic when the Episcopal Church vetoes your nomination to bishop.  This guy's offense was re-writing the liturgy to include Buddhist, New Age, and Unitarian elements.  Apparently, Spong and rest made it in by not admitting the extent of their heresy until after being elected bishop.  Click here: Too Unorthodox Even for the Episcopal Church? | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Bishop T. D. Jakes recently had a serious problem with gas.  No, not that kind of gas!  That would be TMI.  I mean the kind of gas which can blow up your house. Click here: Natural Gas Explosion at Megachurch Pastor's Home - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews

Ever wonder where sideburns and soul patches came from?  How about the nine coolest beards proudly worn by Civil War generals--a great source of grooming inspiration for theonomists as well.  Click here: Top 9 Civil War Generals Who Rocked Their Beards : I Think Real Men Grow Beards Personal Stories & Experiences. Re


The Next Time You Call Tech Support . . .

This is a photo from a major city in India.  Remember this scene the next time you need tech support and the company out-sources your call to India--like a certain computer company based in Texas.

It is a wonder that any tech call ever gets through!  Amazing.

(h.t. Bob Reeves)


A Call for a New Pentecost (from Christmas of 1964)

Here's a link to a fascinating article from December 25, 1964 (h. t. Greg Molin).

In calling for a "new" Pentecost, we find this gem. "New Pentecost.  The spirit of Christian renewal in 1964 is searching, questioning, critical—willing to challenge every doctrine and institution of the church.  If worship may perhaps be better expressed by folk singing, modern dance or drama, the churches are ready to try.  Yet a considerable body of Protestant and Catholic radicals, ranging from bishops to informed laymen and seminarians, believe that the present vitality of Christianity is simply a kind of spiritual Indian summer. Convinced that most of the structures of the church have outlived their usefulness, many of these all-out reformers want a new Pentecost—"a return to the womb and a new birth for the Christian community."

Well, every doctrine has been challenged, churches have tried folk (and rock--not the radar in 1964), liturgical dance, film, drama and just every thing else.  And still, there's been no new Pentecost.  But then that's what happens when you stop trusting in what happened on the first Pentecost. 

To read it, Click here: The Servant Church -- Printout -- TIME


"Everyone Did What Was Right in His Own Eyes" -- Judges 17:1-18:31

The Seventeenth in a Series of Sermons on the Book of Judges

Several hundred years have passed since Israel entered Canaan and their leader Joshua had died. Generations of Israelites have come and gone, with each succeeding generation more Canaanized than their parent’s generation. Six times, we have read how the people of Israel forgot all about YHWH, how they found themselves threatened by their pagan neighbors, only to cry out to YHWH for deliverance. Six times, YHWH took pity on his people and raised up a “judge” or a deliverer who rescued the Israelites from those nations who sought to conquer or drive them from the land which YHWH had given to them. But now as we turn to the closing chapters of the Book of Judges, it becomes crystal clear that the true enemy facing Israel has little to do with the armies of Israel’s godless neighbors. Israel’s true enemy is Israel. We can see how far Israel has fallen when we consider that in the final five chapters of Judges, YHWH is hardly mentioned. In fact, what characterizes this closing section of Judges is the repeated declaration that “there was no king in Israel, so everyone did what is right in their own eyes.” These chapters of Judges depict a people whose religion is reduced to mere tradition, and who profess one thing but then do another. Having forgotten all about YHWH, the Israelites have become a law unto themselves.

As we resume our series on the Book of Judges, we will quickly finish up the final chapters of this troubling book. I say troubling because as the book unfolds, the people of God fall to ever deeper levels of depravity. By the time we reach the final chapters, Israel’s behavior is indistinguishable from that of their Canaanite neighbors. Long ago, the Israelites stopped determining whether something was right or wrong based upon YHWH’s law. Long ago, the people of Israel forgot all about those miraculous things which YHWH had done to deliver them from their bondage in Egypt. Long ago, the Israelites forgot God’s covenant promises, as well as YHWH’s command to drive the Canaanites from the land which he had given them. Long ago, the Israelites became so comfortable living along side their pagan neighbors, that they openly welcomed Canaanite sons and daughters into their families. In fact, things were so bad that the Israelites actually enjoyed attending religious services in which Canaanite practices were the norm. In other words, long ago, the people of God, forgot about God. The deplorable spiritual condition of Israel depicted in these final chapters (chapters 17-21) is nothing less than a national apostasy.

The Book of Judges opens with the declaration that Joshua has died with Israel settled in the land of promise. Judges ends with the declaration that “in those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” This tells us that Israel’s struggle throughout this period of redemptive history was to remain faithful after God had given them their inheritance, after the people were living well in the promised land, and during a time when Israel did not have a covenant mediator (such as Moses and Joshua). Soon, the bond between the twelve tribes was fractured, the nation was unable to defend itself from external threats from those nations they had previously defeated, and who were now seeking revenge. YHWH’s people had become as pagan (if not more so) as the Canaanites around them. At the heart of the problem was the complete failure of the Levitic priests to instruct the people of Israel in the ways of the Lord. Instead of catechizing Israel, the Levites merely emulated the Canaanites.

To read the rest of this sermon, click here