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Living in Light of Two Ages



Orange County Is Older Than 1950?

Those of you who live in the east may get a chuckle out of this, but we Orange Countians have some history too!

This is a photo of an area near my home, taken in 1890 (how cool is that?).  For those of you who know the Orange County area, this is a block north of Knott's Berry Farm on Beach (Grand Ave., back then).

The original rancho (at the base of the hills) was built on land granted the Nieto family by the king of Spain in 1783.

There's now a golf course (Los Coyotes Country Club) and some nice homes in the hills (Bellhurst), with strip malls, tract houses, two freeways (5 & 91) and two railroad lines where those old homes once stood.

If you live in the big OC, or have any interest in the history of the area, you'll love this blog (

I am a fourth-generation Orange Countian, and have six great-grandparents buried here, so you'll have to cut me some slack on this one.


Not Gonna Happen

Here's the latest trend making its way into church growth circles.  According to the "Cuddle Party" website,

"a Cuddle Party Is:  A structured, safe workshop on boundaries, communication, intimacy and affection. A drug and alcohol-free way to meet fascinating people in a relaxing environment. A laboratory where you can experiment with what makes you feel safe and feel good. This playful, fun workshop has been a place for people to rediscover non-sexual touch and affection, a space to reframe assumptions about men and women, and a great networking event to meet new friends, roommates, business partners and significant others" (

Will Reformed or Presbyterian churches be tempted to try this?  Somehow, I can't see this having any attraction for German or Dutch churches.  Someone would break wind almost immediately and ruin the whole mood before the "cuddle party" even got going.  The Young Reformed won't go for this either--too weird, too lame.  Not enough good order (and certainly not enough decency) for Presbyterians.  Besides, the whole thing is just plain creepy . . . 

But then I'm a German and am certain that when Paul says greet one another with a kiss, he really means a handshake.


Check Out the Updated White Horse Inn Website!


The Chia Stadium

Saw this photo of the old Yankee Stadium awaiting the wrecking ball.  It is simply amazing how quickly plant life (weeds and moss) has filled the remains of the old stadium, including that area where the upper deck seats were located. 

One cynical Yankee fan dubbed it the "chia stadium."  Apropos!


Who Said That?

"I was never that big on creeds."

You know the drill.  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Answer to follow next week.


It Was Just a Matter of Time!

This exercise in creative exegesis will come as no surprise to those of you who keep up with Bible prophecy punditry!  All you need is a verse or two, a Strong's concordance, and presto . . . Barack Obama is the Antichrist!  You'll just love the disclaimer at the end! (h.t. Terry)

This is a classic example of one of the ways in which people seek to cope with political and economic uncertainty--they find an eschatological bogeyman.  "Pin the tail on the Antichrist" is nothing new, nor unique to modern America.

Hey, somebody ought to write a book about this! (Click here: Riddleblog - Man of Sin - Uncovering the Truth About Antichrist)


More Irresponsible Behavior from Our Congress

While speaking at the National Press Club luncheon, Democratic Congressman John Conyers(D-Mich.), who is also the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, mocks the need to read bills before voting on them, because it takes two lawyers to interpret them and more than two days to work through them!  And this from the chair of the Judiciary Committee????

Since chairman Conyers will not be subject to the same health care reforms my family will be (the congress will retain all their current gold-package health care benefits regardless of what bill ultimately makes its way through congress), I guess there's no need for him to even know what is in the bill.

This is infuriating.


Who Said That?

"It's almost like a crucifixion, in terms of the cross you have to bear. We reap the fruits of the resurrection, in terms of the power that emanates from [Michael Jackson's] sacrifice. He sacrificed his childhood because he loved us so. He didn't just entertain us, he sustained us."

Please leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please no google searches or cheating.  The whole point is to guess!  Answer to follow in one week.


White Horse Inn Producer on "Issues, Etc."

Shane Rosenthal was a guest on "Issues, Etc," discussing "Challenges to the 21st Century Church: Moralistic Therapeutic Deism, Narcissism & Gnosticism."

It is worth a listen.


The Best Basketball Game I Ever Saw

This was recently posted on the LA Times' Laker's blog.  This is the best 20 minutes of NBA Basketball you'll ever see.

Here are two great teams, and long-standing rivals who really do not like each other. 

They are evenly matched, and the heat and noise of the old Boston Garden gives the game the intensity of a high-school or college rivalry.  Watch the team benches as the game moves along--nobody is sleeping!

There are two near-brawls (bloody nose included), but the officials capably handle it with no ejections, and without league review!

These two teams both play sound fundamental basketball, passing, defense, etc . . .  I really miss that.

It doesn't get better than Bird, Magic, Kareem, and some of the best role players ever (i.e., Rambis, Cooper).  I had forgotten how much I disliked Kevin McHale and Danny Ainge as players.

Enjoy this blast from the past!  I sure miss Chick Hearn calling Laker games.  No one better.  At one time, we had Vin Scully calling Dodger games, Chick doing the Lakers, and Dick Enberg calling the Rams, Angels, and UCLA basketball.  We were so spoiled.