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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from June 1, 2010 - June 30, 2010


An End to Keynesian Economics?

If anything good can come out of this current economic mess, perhaps it will be the death of "Keynesianism."  Why all the lefty love for an economic philosophy which has never once delivered the "multiplier effect" it promises?  As my college econ professor used to say, "if you think federal deficit spending will do anything over the long haul but `multiply' the national debt, then you'll love France."  Glad to see the WSJ clobber this again.   The Keynesian Dead End  

Minnesota's junior Senator Stuart Smalley (AKA Al Franken) spent his time during the Judiciary Committee Hearings doodling and napping.  I'll grant that these hearings are boring, but I guess Franken didn't much care that Kagan believes the government can regulate what we eat.  Franken Doodling

Stressing on the job?  Don't get along with the boss, or a co-worker?  What your company needs is an office chaplain!  Finally, meaningful work for all those graduates of the mainline Protestant seminaries who no longer have churches to serve (see below).  Need an Office Chaplain? 

Surprise, surprise.  The numbers are in.  The PCUSA has officially halved itself.  I guess people are tired of sermons on why LeBron James should give up his salary, and why the Gulf Oil spill is proof that you need to drive a Prius.  PCUSA Decline


This Week's White Horse Inn

Corroborating Evidence

If Jesus was a real historical individual, then do we have any confirming evidence for his life and ministry from sources outside the New Testament? Some point to the writings of Josephus, but isn't it true that his famous passage about Jesus was proven to be a fabrication? Interacting with the hosts on this topic is historian Paul L. Maier, author of In The Fullness of Time, and editor of Josephus: The Essential Works.


Who Said That?

"I believe in civil law, there should be total equality under the law. So if heterosexuals get certain benefits for heterosexual relationships, then homosexuals should get those same benefits in their homosexual committed relationships. And that's what I'm going to teach our people. "

Please leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no cheating or google searches.  Answer to follow next week.



The People Whisperer

No doubt, you've seen Cesar Millan's TV program, "The Dog Whisperer."  Millan has an uncanny ability to relate to dogs and in a matter of minutes can figure out what is wrong with their behavior and how to fix it.

Here's a recent picture of my ole buddy Andy (he's an Aussie).  In our house, he's known as the "People Whisperer."  His ability to figure out what he wants, and how to get it, is likewise uncanny.

A couple of examples might help explain what I mean.

All Andy need do is walk to the door, and someone immediately gets up and lets him out.

During breakfast, Andy comes into the kitchen, and without so much as a peep my wife gives him a slice of lunchmeat (when she's making our son's lunch), or else I will give him a small handful of his favorite cereal--Captain Crunch (which we buy for him, since none of us eat it).

The pool guy shows up once a week, and without barking or whining, Andy merely walks up to him and is immediately rewarded with one or more dog treats (which the pool guy carries with him).

You get the point.  It is truly remarkable that Andy has us all figured out and has trained us so effectively.

But as you can tell, poor ole Andy is getting old (he'll be 14 in February).  He's not very active any more, his face is getting grey, and he snores when he sleeps.  He still chases cats, but half-heartedly, and while he still patrols his territory every morning, he doesn't have the same vigor he used to show.

We'll likely continue to do his bidding until he returns to the dust from whence he came (cf. Ecclesiastes 3:21).  Too bad.  He has so much invested in training us.


And So the Summer Begins

Since I haven't been posting as much as I used to, I thought a brief update might be in order.

I'm enjoying the second day of my vacation/sabbatical and am already hard at work on my next project--a book on the two kingdoms.  I'll have more info about it as the project moves forward, but I've been working on it for some time and hope to make significant progress over the next nine weeks.

My study time will be interrupted by a trip to the URCNA synod (in New London, Ontario), a week in Mammoth Lakes with a bunch of friends from church, as well as a number of weekend forays to places my wife and I enjoy visiting.

I should also tell you, it has been a long and difficult year at Christ Reformed.  We've been without an associate pastor since Thanksgiving, and we've had a number of difficult ministry issues arise (such as a Megan's law offender worshiping with us) which have demanded much time and energy.  I'm not one to "take time off" when I am on vacation/sabbatical, because I actually enjoy writing and being able to concentrate on one task.  Not having to continually multi-task is relaxing!  A good cigar or two is also nice on break.

But I will take the time to watch a host of DVD's people have recommended, I will attempt to plow through a stack of books (most of which are related to my current project), as well as spend time with my sons before they return to grad school and college respectively.

I also am looking forward to one of my favorite aspects of my summer break--sitting in the pew with my family and hearing the word of God preached.  Our assistant pastor (Rev. Andrew Compton) is a very good preacher and we've got several promising seminarians getting a chance to preach this summer as well.  I'm very much looking forward to it.

So, I'll be around, but won't be taking questions or phone calls, and I'll post once in a while as I am able.  I hope to have a productive summer, and I hope you enjoy yours as well.



"Let a Person Examine Himself" -- 1 Corinthians 11:27-34

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, the twentieth in a series on 1 Corinthians.

Click here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Jesus & Modern Scholarship

Can we trust the New Testament portrait of Jesus, or is the Jesus of history radically different from the Jesus of faith? What are we to think of scholars like Bart Ehrman who suggest that Jesus has been "misquoted," and that the Bible has significantly changed over time? Joining the panel for this discussion is New Testament scholar Craig A. Evans, author of Reinventing Jesus: How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels,Holman QuickSource Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls. and the


Who Said That?

"It is the command of the gospel that we live our lives in conformity with the beliefs taught in the Scriptures.  That we often fail to live up to this command does not invalidate the fact that we can and ought to live according to our beliefs."

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow next week.


No Vuvuzelas for the Pope!

The head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales is worried that when Benedict XVI visits England in September, he will be greeted with the constant cacophony of vuvuzelas (you know, the plastic trumpets that require you watch the World Cup with the sound muted).  Pope's upcoming trip to England 

With the whole trumpet blast theme and all, John Knox came to mind--I know that the Pope is not a queen with a vendetta, but he does at times dress like one--A Fashion Statement

In case you hadn't heard, Ted Haggard is starting a new church.  He states, "I think we're qualified to hold people's hands" in times of trouble.  I didn't realize that holding people's hands in times of trouble was a biblical qualification for pastoral ministry.  Admitting that he's neither qualified nor entitled to serve as a pastor again, Haggard is not one to let something as trivial as biblical qualifications to stop him from starting a new church.  People need their hands held!  I guess none of the existing evangelical churches in Colorado Springs can do that as well as Haggard can.  Not sure I would want Ted Haggard to hold my hand.  Haggard's back

Beware of the Caliphate.  A prominent Iranian cleric wants to see Iran rule over "the entire Middle East and Central Asia."  He believes this will prepare the way for the Islamic messiah.  No question, Islamic eschatology will be a factor in the geo-politics of the Middle East for some time to come.   Some might say the same thing of dispensationalists here, regarding US foreign policy towards Israel and the Palestinians.  But dispensationalists don't have the desire nor the power to coax a client army (Hezbollah) to actually provoke a war with Israel.  Iranian apocalyptists do.  Calls for a Caliphate


Lakers-Celtics, Game Seven!

The NBA's two most storied franchises . . . 

Two very good teams, tied so far, down to the final game . . .

A bitter rivalry . . . 

A basketball fan's dream!

Magic's "baby hook shot" was the greatest moment in Laker's history, but we forget that it was almost ruined by Larry Bird, who apparently drilled a three-point shot from the baseline just before the final second expired, only to have the ball spin around the rim and kick out. 

And then there was Don Nelson's brick that bounced straight up and came back down through the rim as the clock ran out, earning the Celtics a win in game seven of the 1969 Lakers-Celtics showdown. 

Win or lose, this is gonna be fun!

Go Lakers!  Predictions, anyone?