An End to Keynesian Economics?

If anything good can come out of this current economic mess, perhaps it will be the death of "Keynesianism." Why all the lefty love for an economic philosophy which has never once delivered the "multiplier effect" it promises? As my college econ professor used to say, "if you think federal deficit spending will do anything over the long haul but `multiply' the national debt, then you'll love France." Glad to see the WSJ clobber this again. The Keynesian Dead End
Minnesota's junior Senator Stuart Smalley (AKA Al Franken) spent his time during the Judiciary Committee Hearings doodling and napping. I'll grant that these hearings are boring, but I guess Franken didn't much care that Kagan believes the government can regulate what we eat. Franken Doodling
Stressing on the job? Don't get along with the boss, or a co-worker? What your company needs is an office chaplain! Finally, meaningful work for all those graduates of the mainline Protestant seminaries who no longer have churches to serve (see below). Need an Office Chaplain?
Surprise, surprise. The numbers are in. The PCUSA has officially halved itself. I guess people are tired of sermons on why LeBron James should give up his salary, and why the Gulf Oil spill is proof that you need to drive a Prius. PCUSA Decline