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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from May 1, 2011 - May 31, 2011


This Week at Christ Reformed Church

Wednesday Night Bible Study:

We are wrapping up our series on the person and work of Christ (6/1/11).  We are discussing how Christ's present rule over all things is tied to his three-fold office (prophet, priest, king).  Evening prayer begins at 7:00 p.m., with Bible study beginning at 7:30.

New Academy Series Underway:

This coming Friday, June 3, we continue our series on Michael Horton's new theology text, The Christian Faith (Zondervan, 2011).  We will be working our way through the first chapter. Lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m.  Admission is free.

Sermon Series on Hebrews (Sunday, June 5):

We are continuing our series on The Book of Hebrews.  Lord willing, we will work our way through chapter 4.  Please read through Hebrews several times as we consider the great themes in this remarkable book.

For more information, Click Here


"Christ Is Faithful" -- Hebrews 3:1-19

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, the fifth in a series on the Book of Hebrews:

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Implications of Skepticism

On this edition of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton talks with Greg Koukl from Stand To Reason and author of Faith is Not Wishing about the implications of the arguments put forth by skeptic Michael Shermer in last week’s broadcast. Is Christianity based on mythology; are multi-verses the best explanation for the fine-tuning that we observe in the universe; is it possible to believe in objective good and evil without believing in God? Mike and Greg will discuss these questions and more on this edition of the White Horse Inn.

Click Here


Horton Addresses the "Biblical Foreign Policy" Question

Following the recent Barack Obama-Benjamin Netanyahu dust up over Israel's current borders, many evangelicals have responded by warning of covenant curses coming upon those nations who don't support Israel's right to the land (with its current boundaries), because Israel is supposedly a "holy land," or because Israel "has a covenant with God."

The political questions surrounding Israel are important and notoriously difficult to answer.  Where to draw the borders?  Should there be a Palestinian state?  Should there be a divided Jerusalem? 

But to invoke covenant curses because of an unbiblical notion that the modern nation of Israel is a "holy land" is quite another.  In fact, it reveals a serious misunderstanding of redemptive history to do so.  Israel is a modern secular nation, like America, China, or the Philippines.  Israel does not sit on "holy land."  Jesus Christ fulfilled that covenant God made with Israel at Mount Sinai.  Furthermore, it was Paul who universalized the land promise from Palestine to include the whole earth (Romans 4:13)

Horton addresses this matter here:  A Biblical Foreign Policy?


This Week at Christ Reformed Church

Wednesday Night Bible Study:

We are continuing our series on the person and work of Christ (5/25/11).  We are covering Christ's session and how his current rule relates to his three-fold office (prophet, priest, king).  Evening prayer begins at 7:00 p.m., with Bible study beginning at 7:30.

New Academy Series Underway:

This coming Friday, May 27, we continue our series on Michael Horton's new theology text, The Christian Faith (Zondervan, 2011).  We will be working our way through the introduction and first chapter. Lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m.  Admission is free.

Sermon Series on Hebrews (Sunday, May 29):

We are continuing our series on The Book of Hebrews.  Lord willing, we will work our way through chapter 3.  Please read through Hebrews several times as we consider the great themes in this remarkable book.

For more information, Click Here


"He Himself Has Suffered" -- Hebrews 2:10-18

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, the fourth in a series on the Book of Hebrews:

Click Here



This Week's White Horse Inn

An Interview with Skeptic Michael Shermer

On this program, Michael Horton talks with Michael Shermer, editor of Skeptic magazine and author of numerous books including, Why People Believe Weird Things, Why Darwin Matters, and most recently The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies—How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths. The conversation centers on Shermer’s new book, and why he believes his skeptical and agnostic worldview presents a better explanation for the universe than the claims of the Christian faith. Following the interview, Michael Horton talks with Dean L. Overman, author of The Case Against Accident & Self Organization, about the mathematical improbability of life forming by chance.

Click Here


My Take (and a Rather Unsympthetic One at That) On Harold Camping and His Followers

Frankly, this whole Harold Camping mess ticks me off.  Since I write and teach in the field of eschatology, people expect me to say something.  Yet, I'm not sure many of you will appreciate my take on this.  I'm not a happy "camper."

I see this tragic episode as one gigantic mess, which God's people will be cleaning up for years.  I, for one, am not very sympathetic to Mr. Camping, or to those who follow him.  Here's why:

1).  He's done this before.  1994? anyone???  If Camping lives much longer (he's 89), he'll likely do this again.  As one of my favorite philosophers, Dirty Harry, once put it when his police superior questioned whether the serial killer (so wonderfully played by Andy Robinson) would continue to kill, Harry replied, "Of course he will.  He likes it."  You cannot tell me that however Camping came to this particular date for the Lord's return, and however sincere he might he be in his calculations, that the man does not love the media attention.  Why else spend all that money on an "in your face" ad campaign with buses and billboards across the country?  Camping likes the hubbub way too much.  Since someone's past behavior is the best predictor of their future behavior, if given the chance, Camping will do it again.

2).  Camping was disciplined by his church, and never once demonstrated the slightest hint of repentance.  When Camping was removed from his office for his unbiblical speculations, Camping's response was to declare that the church age was over, and that people should leave their churches!  (see Bob Godfrey's account of this--Godfrey on Harold Camping).  Harold Camping is not some grandfatherly old man who has weird views on things (every church has a few of these).  This is a man, who, when he did not get his way, sought to create widescale schism and division in the church.  How can we not conclude that many among his followers are schismatics who have followed their master in his sin?

3).  Camping is not a theological conservative defending the faith, he's a theological radical, and has a dangerous hermeneutic.  Camping gained a following among Reformed cultural conservatives by defending the view that only men should hold the office of minister, elder and deacon, that evolutionary thought had no place in Christian colleges, and that the rampant immorality of our age cannot go unchallenged nor be accepted by Christians.  Meanwhile, the "conservative" Camping was using some outlandish and distorted hermeneutical method to calculate the day of Christ's return and telling everyone who would listen that he was right and that anyone who challenged him had no authority to do so.  Since when did theological conservatives attack the perspicuity of Scripture?  Or champion "private interpretation" while mocking the teaching office and disciplinary authority of the church?

4).  Someone  has to say it -- the man is a false teacher and a kook.  My sense is that Camping falls within the exhortation given by Paul in Romans 16:17 (and elsewhere) -- such people are to be avoided.  Camping is a false teacher, plain and simple.  Anyone who repeatedly pulls the kinds of shenanigans he has should have no credibility.  Non-Christians see him for what he is.  Yet, Christians feel ashamed about calling him out on the same grounds--when Scripture requires that we do so!  Yes, we need to pray for his repentance, and yes, we need to be merciful to those whom he has deceived.  But given the way the man handles God's word, he is self-edvidently a kook.  He has no business being labeled a "teacher."  And it is tragic that he has used his vast radio empire to deceive so many.

5).  The only prophecy which will be fulfilled in association with Harold Camping is 2 Peter 3:3!  Scoffers will come, and sadly, Camping has given the scoffers a whole bunch of ammunition.  This is why is is so vital that Christians be clear to everyone who will listen, that despite this man's false prophecy, the blessed hope awaits all those who are Christ's, and the day of judgment will come upon those who are not.   This is a serious matter, and Christ will not be mocked.

This, then, is why it is so important to expose this man for who and what he is--a false prophet, a schismatic and a kook, lest anyone think that Jesus will not return when we least expect it, to judge the world, raise the dead, and make all things new.

And frankly, it is sad that so many Christians expect non-Christians to do our job for us.


Camping's Final Letter? I'm Not So Sure . . .

Given his track record (1994?), we know that Harold Camping is beyond shame.  Here's his final letter, his "farewell."

Or is it? 

What is he going to say on May 22?  What will his post-May 21 fund-raising letters and correspondence be like?

My take is that he'll announce that he miscalculated, and then retrench in some way.  This is what he did before when he got this wrong.

I'll be very surprised if there is the least sign of repentance from Camping.  He has too much invested in being right about this in the face of scoffers to back down now.

So, what do you think he'll say in his next letter?  Leave your proposed post-May 21 "Harold Camping letter" in the comments section below. 

Have fun with this one!


Calling All Riddlebargers, Riddlebergers, Riddlesbergers, and Riddlespurgers

For any of my cousins who might be lurking about, or doing google searches on our family history, I finally posted my latest update to the family history.

The document shown is the list of "Palatines" who arrived in Philadephia on September 29, 1733 on the Pink (the type of ship) Mary.  Christian Retelsberger (Riddlespurger) is the first of our clan to arrive from Rotterdam, via Portsmouth.

Here's a link to the updated file of Christian's descendants -- anyone named Riddlebarger, Riddlesberger, Riddleberger, or Riddlespurger.

If you have any additional info, corrections, etc., please let me know.  Or just let me know that you are out there!

Descendants of Christian Riddlespurger